Q & A

Existing Member Registration

1. Does the member you want to register have the correct membership assigned? (the one created by NF usually called "Wako Switzerland / Korea / Chile etc")

2. Is the membership paid?

3. Competition documents => There are 2 type of competition documents to be uploaded either in this Membership platform or directly to Sportdata.

            Documents to be uploaded to this membership platform are those with long term validity (Photo, Passport, Medical Certificate, Dental Brace Certificate, Referee code of Conduct,  ... )  these are then shared for every competition when registering to Sportdata. 

To upload these documents => select Competition Documents tab.  These docs are uploaded only once until the end of their validity period.
            Documents to be uploaded to Sportdata are those related only to 1 competition  at a time ( Medical Questionaire, Parental consent, Pregnancy declaration, Covid, )

Click on Register at Sportdata button

Select your competition and continue

Find your delegation member

Invite new member to your federation

As a org admin you have the permission to invite new members, edit information about the members and confirm that the membership has been paid to your federation.

Send an invitation to become a member from your admin pages. Select appropriate membership first.
Select a membership created by your National Federation (usually Wako Germany / Azerbaijan etc), then enter a email of the prospective member. 

This step creates a user account, in the next step you can edit the membership data ( your membership registraiton form) for this new member. 

Member's information can be updated by a National federation admin / a Club admin or member themselves.

Let your members be responsible for the information they provide.

Once complete you can continue to register to Sportdata, see above.

Documents for Wako competitions

There are 2 types of documents to be uploaded for Wako Competitions. Docs with long-term validity and docs with validity for 1 competition only. 

Long-term docs are to be uploaded to this members platform. This way docs will be also accessible to Sportdata during registration to competition.
Note: if docs are uploaded after the registration to Sportdata, then these docs are not available to Sportdata. Only docs uploaded before registration will get shared to Sportdata.

To upload these documents edit your member using green pencil, then select "Competition Documents" tab.  Your members once invited, can also upload these documents themselves using a "Competition Documents" button on their members dashboard.


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